
I regret to inform you | I am but a mere man | I am but a sinner walking upon destroyed lands | I’ve slipped and fallen more times than can be repeated | I may lie silent | but I’m drowning in truth | I’m warped in forgiveness | I may lie motionless | But I’m running faster than ever before | With this hand I shall pay respects | And wallow in sadness | Do not hide your fears | Do not hide regret | For your end approaches faster than imagined| It's not an extinction but a cleansing of the land
-from the writings of JustinTerry-



Let us not be going through motions. being clones of another that we've seen. So many of us out there are just portraying exactly what we've seen. From the way we talk, the way we sing, the way we walk, even the way some "worship" is just exactly like someone they've seen.
We're supposed to be AUTHENTIC people... So break down those ridiculous habits and forms and realize your true identity. I'm not saying everyone's a follower but in a way I am. Argue all you want but someones done "that" before you... whatever the "that" may be it's been done.
Become authentic. stop your impressing nature. cause in all honesty no one cares. and no one cares about your self-righteous B/S... Be freaking real man.

and of course my posts won't be what they are without videos: and I can't decide on one so here

(God, please have MERCY on me!)

-So close to your heart LORD, Here I am God, Draw me into you!!-
I really just want to sit down with someone right now.... I want someone to be here... Loneliness freaking sucks
I may have a spirit here but it's not enough
this isn't fair!