Why is it all about bringing the world together, bringing people together, setting aside differences. UNITING, Becoming one.... Interesting.. This all sounds so good, sounds a tad too good to be true doesn't it... ONE WORLD. It's the end
The freaking END and noone can see it. I ran into countless people at work last night discussing it. 3 people who weren't even Christians mentioned. This is the end and that it's even been written in "the book". How odd that so many people are understanding that it's truly here. Then again people have been saying it for years and jumping to conclusions... But when in the past has sooo many people come into agreement about the same things. So many others eyes have started to see what I've been seeing this whole time.
righteousness, new beginning, white will do what is right??? CROC
there's so much more I have to say.
edit later


We've gotta be ok even when we can't be Ok

So the last few weeks have taken a big impact on me. The realization that I am practically standing in an open field watching everything I want float away like the dandelions drifting on. As if my flower is falling apart; I realize, however, nothing will put those pieces back together the same way. Nothing will fit back into how I want it. We have all heard "there's a plan"; some sort of plan for our lives. Each and every person has a mapped out life... So no matter what you want nothings going to go YOUR way.

What kind of crap is that? If we have desires but can't fulfill them why do we have desires?

Things grow as seasons change. This means us as well. Our desires changes as well. Each desire is increased with what we surround our lives with. What we let consume us is the outcome of our path, our thoughts, our desires. If we are constantly filling ourselves with a bunch of junk we're only going to end up walking in circles looking for a path. I'm not going to say that EVERYONE is following what the media is sharing or what others are doing. But most are obviously following something. Whether it be the main stream media or underground anti-media. Someone is telling you what to feel and what to think. With that being said not only is there plans for our lives, plans for our money,etc... But Realize this: There's plots against your lives. To find our weakness. To drive us into destruction. Now this may sound like "conspiracy theory", and it may be to most.

However, I've found myself down the path's quite a few times. I have dug myself to points where it's almost unbearable to return. Granted we all go through phases but, It's more than phases. It's a force that isn't so great to feel. It's a force that makes one feel like they are nothing, makes one feel worthless, pushing and pushing until there's no return.
It's almost like once we're so far away we turn around and think "how on earth can I be accepted as that again"; so in return we continue on and quit taking steps back.

I could simply put it "It's time to start thinking for ourselves".
But, that's been said and done repeatedly.

We need to do the following: Examine what's breaking us, Examine what's making us turn, Examine what leads to thoughts that will lead astray. Not just thinking this time but DOING. I'm done seeing myself and others pitter patter around the suggestion box constantly dropping in how to change a life if we can't change our own.
- Pro 19:27 Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.

Gaining knowledge is one thing. But, putting knowledge into actions and organizing our lives is a completely new step. I was listening to another speaker and his words came into effect as I listened to a man named Joshua speak.
There's a new fast i'm going to take upon myself. In order to get past the mindset of failure, depression, despair , etc... my list of negativity can go on & on. But it's today that it ENDS.
Getting away from others, Getting away from the books and visions that create all those negative things. And regenerating myself.
staying away from technology is quite a tough thing to do in this day and age. Especially for my life. I depend on my computer always being here and being able to turn on and function.
Now it's time that I put it to sleep and turn myself on so I can function in a new name, in a new world, in a new word.

I've been discussing a lot lately with various people about how deep we are into 'end times' and many are actually realizing it. Our government is ridiculously corrupt and now bringing us into further destruction within the new years. However, that's a new topic.
This talk has made me realize even more I'm not one bit prepared. My life has been preparation for future, Things that I can look forward to. No preparation for what is now, no thoughts ever to what is now. I've lived my life for the future and living in the future that I've taken not one blink to what is NOW. My mind is constantly 10steps ahead of what I'm actually doing. I need to rid myself of that and prepare for the 10steps as well as thinking about them.

Lots of new listenings

Currently Listening:
As Cities Burn
TheCure-Japanese Whispers
Daft Punk-Discovery

Current Viewing: