Why is it all about bringing the world together, bringing people together, setting aside differences. UNITING, Becoming one.... Interesting.. This all sounds so good, sounds a tad too good to be true doesn't it... ONE WORLD. It's the end
The freaking END and noone can see it. I ran into countless people at work last night discussing it. 3 people who weren't even Christians mentioned. This is the end and that it's even been written in "the book". How odd that so many people are understanding that it's truly here. Then again people have been saying it for years and jumping to conclusions... But when in the past has sooo many people come into agreement about the same things. So many others eyes have started to see what I've been seeing this whole time.
righteousness, new beginning, white will do what is right??? CROC
there's so much more I have to say.
edit later

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