Take a look at the statistics for how many people and how much time is spent on these sites a day.
Now from a religious perspective: The whole goal is to reach as many people as possible right? Teach and show as many people the works of their God as possible.
Realize this, there's been handfuls of cases we've heard about and seen of hazing and discriminatory acts on these social networking sites. Why have we not realized that as a Christian we should change those stats.
Networking is a major part of reaching people. Those of us that can't 'Go to all the lands and speak of His Love'. How about spending no cash and teaching people across the lands as well as those nearby.
As for teenagers I've realized that the times where people have felt completely betrayed by another or knows their enemies stays as far away as possible. Now, I always tried to break that boundary and get inside the "enemies" head. The funny thing is, that enemy that's supposed to hate your guts. Is a genuine hurting human being and will actually have a conversation with you when they don't feel threatened. Ya' see, in person they're being watched and feel like they have to make a point to show they dislike someone others do. But, by continually trying to show genuine love, care, and concern for the person. Their true being will show. It may however not in public but either way, you're going to make a connection.
I may have lost some to this extensive description. So here's the point:
Use these sites to advantage, reach out to those you don't get a chance to or normally won't speak to in person. There's a good chance they'll respond or understand your care for them as a human. Reason you know, 1. you can see if they've read. 2.There's very small chance they won't check these pages.
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