The other day I was at Barnes&Noble I decided to browse the Teen section, you know the display of what teens should read and look to for inspiration. I was utterly Shocked at what I saw. Ware wolfs, Vampires, The Paranormal, Books with titles such as The Necromancer, Sirens, When You Read This I'll Be Dead, Party...
With stories prescribing Lust, Idolatry, Suicide, Witchcraft, etc...
I may truly be over-exagerating but really there's a line to be drawn at some point... These things really are attractive especially when some are written By geeks and For geeks (sounds like a great sales pitch), nerds, outcasts as a medium for escape into a new world. A world partially prettier and more exciting than the boring everyday day to day life. whether or not their home life is that of plain, boring, dole, scary. These are things I don't know and can't just assume. But I do know that constantly escaping into these worlds for the few teens that actually read is not something to be entertained in a consistent manner.
And when these are the only options that are placed in front of them we wonder and panic that teen suicide rate has increased, teens are having babies at age 14, Riddle me that?
It really is easy to blame media vs parents BUT i've met some teens that have great home lives and are incredibly depressed. I was One.
I wasn't depressed per-say but these things interested me like crazy and i had a more than excellent home life. But seeing these characters become incredibly successful and happy by deceiving others and by overcoming enemies made me stoked I didn't care if I had a great family...I did but I didn't show it. I wanted what these fictional characters had and could offer. An Unstoppable Force. Little did I realize I can have that force through Christ. A CRAZY ridiculous force that's virtually unstoppable. I had an agape love waiting for me. How Incredible is that?
Agape: The Greek word agape is often translated "love" in the New Testament. How is "agape love" different from other types of love? The essence of agape love is self-sacrifice. Unlike our English word “love,” agape is not used in the Bible to refer to romantic or sexual love. Nor does it refer to close friendship or brotherly love, for which the Greek word philia is used. Nor does agape mean charity, a term which the King James translators carried over from the Latin. Agape love is unique and is distinguished by its nature and character.
Now, I bring the Agape definition i because think about it if these teens hear and feel this type of love what's going to be the effect? Increased depression and constant searching for a new escape? OR are they going to be ever-changed and actually have the desire to 'go on'.
I don't think I'd be as upset if I saw some sort of hope placed in these teens grasps. It's very hard to generalize 'teens' BUT so many fit into these categories now regardless of their 'scene'. They will still have the same thoughts, same worries, same fears, same wonders. But the fact that so many are resulting to suicide is enough to wonder and dig into why this may be.
I will keep going but at this point you can stop reading and just reflect.
I actually did pick up several of these books and read to get an idea/grasp of what the message was saying. and like I said before many of these things did and still do interest me. But I just wonder when engulfing yourself into nothing but these topics and having no knowledge of reality or what happiness could be. Where will that really lead them? What are they going to think? Reading really does change ones perspective on things no matter what style of writing it is. The human mind is going to grab the things suggested and try to figure out what the truth behind it is. Example: look at the hundreds of thousands of Self-help and Self-improvement books there are. Don't get me wrong i'm not saying anything is wrong with these at all. They're GREAT and I encourage to read them if they'll work for you. But when you read them think about how often you're reading and thinking 'okay, now this will work for my life' or 'wow that's totally me' and you begin to relate to the information, the characters, etc... Books are designed to make you think and grab ahold of this journey the writer wants to take you on. Intense isn't it? possibly general knowledge... But I'm just trying to point out a teens mind absorbs a ridiculous amount and while they're trying to 'figure themselves out' or 'figure their path' is this the right thing to be putting out there for them to read?
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