
It's been a need for an update: So quickly I will hammer on this keyboard what is being meditated upon.

It's time for renewal. I've heard the call and said the words but there's a lack of action. This is becoming a mending process.

planning: there's many ideas, thoughts, visions that have been placed upon my mind/life. Whether or not it's time to share is not clear so I will say this.
There's a new movement developing within this city that is insane and probably too big to handle or understand at this point. However, the purpose and outcome will be fruitfull.
The writings will start again for I have received confirmation that messages need to be told from me. Things that the Lord has been speaking to me to get done but out of hesitation, fear, and worry I have sat back and let them sit there.

My soul purpose for writing this message has just slipped my mind as it's now 2 am and i'm exhausted. But I will plan to write and record messages on here.
Those 1 or 2 people that actually follow this may be able to hear.

I will say I have reached a new cycle and began a new maze. I've been so nervous to share and so quiet and reluctant to be happy that i've forgotten my purpose. The night has had amazing flaws and things I did not want to hear but realizing they're things I needed to hear is what is more important.


Temples & Future + Bcoop

Next Week 9: Stewardship from Fuse* Student Ministry on Vimeo.

Man.. heavy,simple, crazy... It's the words and the suggestions i've heard many times but is hitting me right now. What you do day to day will build what you will do the next week and from that week will build what your month will become, what the year has become is what your future entails.

I began to think about this idea alot when he mentions the ministry. I really want the ladies and gentleman at KYC to hear this and understand that what they're doing and planting in their lives as well as the ministry is how the ministries future will turn out. To become not only leaders and extraordinary but build this foundation that will not fall. This is something we can't take lightly and it's not just with KYC. Like I said however we begin building our foundation will become the future. That's pretty simple and childlike knowledge.
I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason;BUT, what if we realized we can control what the reason is for what happened.
I may be repeating but it's a very important lesson that I need to start living out instead of just understanding.

With this being said and understood we need to be listening to the spiritual voice that sets the ideas inside of us. It may be hard to differentiate what's the right and wrong voice but, how about comparing what could be right and what could be wrong. and take charge of your life. Why just let things happen when we can create what happens? *Not saying do whatever the heck we want and whatever feels good* But, I am suggesting if we listen to the positive and live that out and build our foundations it will stand still even if we fall.


Fallacy Wears Thin

So after consideration I realized I need to watch the film Milk. I was bashing it quite a bit without knowing anything about it. From opening to ending I was shocked, stunned, kind of sick and disgusted at times, and sometimes sad. This was a very eye opening and compelling movie to say the least. Very good information that I've never considered looking into because of the ignorant American mind-set about the subject.
I honestly was never told about how persecuted these people were because of only their sexual orientation. Now, on the other hand of that I think the homosexual community didn't HAVE to be as outspoken and wild as they were. I believe that's probably half the reason their culture was so tarnished.
The toughest thing for me to watch (other than the obvious) is the church images. The constant nay sayings from the churches claiming "God's Will". NO NO NO!!! Once again the religious fools have to create a hatred for the church. I honestly by no means support the lifestyle. But only support the people. I've met some really amazing people from the gay and lesbian community that I have no problem still acknowledging them as a Human. The way these police and the city people treated these people is disgusting. Randomly beating them down with clubs and arresting for the smallest of a crime but in reality only for their sexual preference.
They went through alot... Not as much as the african american community by all means but however it was made to look that way almost. That they had no right what so ever to be living there, teaching there, etc... all because they were Gay?? That's not right. Ignorance of the Christian America was really sad to see.

I could care less like I previously said; about someones choice. I've been reading many articles and statements of Christian men who used to be homosexuals and one man definably stood out. He said "the hardest thing about being an openly gay in the Christian community was that he wasn't acknowledged." That must've hurt so bad. I can't imagine putting myself through that kind of pain. But he said, "In the end after getting saved he wasn't there for the experience, he didn't search for change, instead he was there to find Christ and that's what matters. You can't change a person but give them the opportunity to change is all we can do."
AWESOME, we can say "Love your neighbor" "do unto others as you would yourself". Yet, many decide to draw a line where a specific person doesn't fit in that category. Therefore they won't show them love and show appreciation for them.
A Man is but Man nothing more, nothing less. We should all do our best to make sure everyone can feel our love is genuine whether we like to or not, whether we approve of them or not. Love your enemy and stand strong. Break down the religious wall that's set before us and show all the purpose.



To begin; it started with a conversation. We began discussing about the culture and youth. The positives and negatives. One thing I heard that struck me as something that goes more into depth is communication. We have developed the most technologically advanced society as well as most networked society. Through the dozens of websites used to network people to people across the globe many people can take advantage of this through several different ways. Using these networking tools to just reach people and further understanding of other cultures or to go as far as stepping your foot in the door of your next job opportunity. Somewhere in this convo. I realized there's way more to this than what meets the eye.
Take a look at the statistics for how many people and how much time is spent on these sites a day.
The average teen spends 27-31 hours surfing the web. the majority of time being spent on these sites.

Now from a religious perspective: The whole goal is to reach as many people as possible right? Teach and show as many people the works of their God as possible.
Realize this, there's been handfuls of cases we've heard about and seen of hazing and discriminatory acts on these social networking sites. Why have we not realized that as a Christian we should change those stats.
Networking is a major part of reaching people. Those of us that can't 'Go to all the lands and speak of His Love'. How about spending no cash and teaching people across the lands as well as those nearby.

As for teenagers I've realized that the times where people have felt completely betrayed by another or knows their enemies stays as far away as possible. Now, I always tried to break that boundary and get inside the "enemies" head. The funny thing is, that enemy that's supposed to hate your guts. Is a genuine hurting human being and will actually have a conversation with you when they don't feel threatened. Ya' see, in person they're being watched and feel like they have to make a point to show they dislike someone others do. But, by continually trying to show genuine love, care, and concern for the person. Their true being will show. It may however not in public but either way, you're going to make a connection.
I may have lost some to this extensive description. So here's the point:

Use these sites to advantage, reach out to those you don't get a chance to or normally won't speak to in person. There's a good chance they'll respond or understand your care for them as a human. Reason you know, 1. you can see if they've read. 2.There's very small chance they won't check these pages.




Why is it all about bringing the world together, bringing people together, setting aside differences. UNITING, Becoming one.... Interesting.. This all sounds so good, sounds a tad too good to be true doesn't it... ONE WORLD. It's the end
The freaking END and noone can see it. I ran into countless people at work last night discussing it. 3 people who weren't even Christians mentioned. This is the end and that it's even been written in "the book". How odd that so many people are understanding that it's truly here. Then again people have been saying it for years and jumping to conclusions... But when in the past has sooo many people come into agreement about the same things. So many others eyes have started to see what I've been seeing this whole time.
righteousness, new beginning, white will do what is right??? CROC
there's so much more I have to say.
edit later


We've gotta be ok even when we can't be Ok

So the last few weeks have taken a big impact on me. The realization that I am practically standing in an open field watching everything I want float away like the dandelions drifting on. As if my flower is falling apart; I realize, however, nothing will put those pieces back together the same way. Nothing will fit back into how I want it. We have all heard "there's a plan"; some sort of plan for our lives. Each and every person has a mapped out life... So no matter what you want nothings going to go YOUR way.

What kind of crap is that? If we have desires but can't fulfill them why do we have desires?

Things grow as seasons change. This means us as well. Our desires changes as well. Each desire is increased with what we surround our lives with. What we let consume us is the outcome of our path, our thoughts, our desires. If we are constantly filling ourselves with a bunch of junk we're only going to end up walking in circles looking for a path. I'm not going to say that EVERYONE is following what the media is sharing or what others are doing. But most are obviously following something. Whether it be the main stream media or underground anti-media. Someone is telling you what to feel and what to think. With that being said not only is there plans for our lives, plans for our money,etc... But Realize this: There's plots against your lives. To find our weakness. To drive us into destruction. Now this may sound like "conspiracy theory", and it may be to most.

However, I've found myself down the path's quite a few times. I have dug myself to points where it's almost unbearable to return. Granted we all go through phases but, It's more than phases. It's a force that isn't so great to feel. It's a force that makes one feel like they are nothing, makes one feel worthless, pushing and pushing until there's no return.
It's almost like once we're so far away we turn around and think "how on earth can I be accepted as that again"; so in return we continue on and quit taking steps back.

I could simply put it "It's time to start thinking for ourselves".
But, that's been said and done repeatedly.

We need to do the following: Examine what's breaking us, Examine what's making us turn, Examine what leads to thoughts that will lead astray. Not just thinking this time but DOING. I'm done seeing myself and others pitter patter around the suggestion box constantly dropping in how to change a life if we can't change our own.
- Pro 19:27 Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.

Gaining knowledge is one thing. But, putting knowledge into actions and organizing our lives is a completely new step. I was listening to another speaker and his words came into effect as I listened to a man named Joshua speak.
There's a new fast i'm going to take upon myself. In order to get past the mindset of failure, depression, despair , etc... my list of negativity can go on & on. But it's today that it ENDS.
Getting away from others, Getting away from the books and visions that create all those negative things. And regenerating myself.
staying away from technology is quite a tough thing to do in this day and age. Especially for my life. I depend on my computer always being here and being able to turn on and function.
Now it's time that I put it to sleep and turn myself on so I can function in a new name, in a new world, in a new word.

I've been discussing a lot lately with various people about how deep we are into 'end times' and many are actually realizing it. Our government is ridiculously corrupt and now bringing us into further destruction within the new years. However, that's a new topic.
This talk has made me realize even more I'm not one bit prepared. My life has been preparation for future, Things that I can look forward to. No preparation for what is now, no thoughts ever to what is now. I've lived my life for the future and living in the future that I've taken not one blink to what is NOW. My mind is constantly 10steps ahead of what I'm actually doing. I need to rid myself of that and prepare for the 10steps as well as thinking about them.

Lots of new listenings

Currently Listening:
As Cities Burn
TheCure-Japanese Whispers
Daft Punk-Discovery

Current Viewing: